Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Victory City

Dear Students,
This week's task is to visit http://www.victorycities.com/ and write a review with the following question in mind:

What do you as a future architect/designer think of the VC proposal?

As always, at least 150 words please.

Once you have finished, please vist 3 of your classmates' blogs and comment on what they have written.

1 comment:

n0where_man said...

hello,the work is done.
about the beatles, maybe they cant be so importants to the popular music history, if they aren´t the four who they where. in group i like them all for the skills that everyone had, i admire everyone of the skills. lennon´s lyrics, and compostion like strawberry field forever, mc cartney basslines lyrics to , and "falsette", harrison for the armony, the lyrics to, and ringo for the joker charm. but in solo i prefer harrion´s and lennon´s music.
i like a lot of songs but in the preferences i can stand out, nowhereman, strawberry fields forever, while my guitar gently wheeps, back in the ussr, i am the walrus, i need you, tomorrow never knows, get back, let it be, hey jude, i me mine, and a lot of other ones.
well i hope not to be boring.